Friday, May 11, 2007

Fundamental Responsibility

As it turns out, I'll be teaching not only a couple's course this summer in Bozeman, Montana, but also a Parenting Course. Each of these are pilots, and my intent is to eventually teach them online. So if you're interested in one of the courses, or both, please email me at I'll start the online courses this Fall.

I believe that our most salient reasons for personal development are within the context of our intimate relationships. I simply gain steam to do my personal work because I want my relationships to be connecting and real and loving!

When I take the focus off of my child or my partner, and pay attention to myself, the deeper gifts of parenting and partnering are mysteriously and not so mysteriously uncovered.

That doesn't mean I am unaware of what I think my children or partner are doing that may not be working for them. It just means that I am noticing what I have the most control over--my own reaction to them. Each time I do that, my spiritual path unfolds again.

A fundamental responsibility of self is what we'll be aiming for in both courses so that participants can be accountable for their part in their relationships and create genuine intimacy.

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