Saturday, August 25, 2007

That Relentless Call

Last August 4, on a Saturday at 1:01 PM, our daughter and son-in-law had Jackson. This picture is of him, right after he was born. To me, he is a miracle--this birth, new life and hope in our midst.

Claud and I sit on the porch most mornings, talking and sharing in a way that we didn't when our children were living with us. Back then we were talking with them, getting them off to school, having breakfast, providing rides or discussions of 'who gets the car anyway?' Now we have the time to talk, and it is both sweet and a little strange, given how we've been with our children.
This morning Claud was talking about all the times he wasn't present with his life, the children, the people around him. You probably know exactly what he meant. I did. And yet, here Life is again in the form of Jackson, still constant, still saying "Wake up!" "Stay present!" This is a relentless call--in the clear, cool mountain air or in the smoke, so heavy from the fires that we sometimes sit inside--It is the same. Will I be present now and now and now--to the child, the coolness, the smoke.

1 comment:

Trish said...

Jackson looks absolutely precious, Jan. Congratulations on your first grandchild!