Recently, I spoke with a friend, a mother who wants to take the Parenting: Your Child As Zen Master Course I'm offering this summer in Bozeman. We were talking about Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT), a methodology we'll use in the course. When I'm relating to my children, if I'm clear, then I have more to offer them--more of myself, my skill, my love, my wisdom. As I was explaining the benefits of EFT, I mentioned this as a technique she could teach her son.
Her response was honest and something I know from my own experience as a parent. She said, "Why don't YOU teach him. He may not want to hear it from me!" So, my next course will be for children--An EFT Course for either elementary, preadolescent or adolescent children, or perhaps young adults who are this generations older children (since, according to some experts, kids today aren't adults until they are about 28 years old!).
Case in point: in studying for the MCAT's, our youngest bumped her score up from 30 to 36 after ONE tapping session with an EFT coach. So why not a better baseball game, more confidence with friends, studies, the opposite sex? I can see a lot of opportunities here and want to know what you think.
Enjoy the video about EFT from Gary Craig, well know 'spreader of the EFT message'!
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