We are proud to let our friends know that our son is married, master's degree educated and doing well with his first full time, professional job.
Recently, he said the 'darnest thing' (Kid's Say The Darnest Things). He told my husband and me, "I didn't realize how hard it was to save and make money, and so I was critical of you both. Now I realize that it takes a lot to earn money and save it, and I can see why you didn't do a better job."
Of course, I was primed for him to say, "You actually did a great job with earning and saving your money." He doesn't think that---He simply relates to us as human, just as he sees himself.
If I am, as a parent, going to hear the true voices of our three adult children, it will need to be framed within the purview of self-acceptance and humor. Otherwise, I doubt they will say what's on their minds because of concern they might offend.
I want to hear what our son has to say because I love him, and I am only limited in that by my ability or inability to love myself. Check out Byron Katie's work as a way to develop more self-acceptance, and Art Linkletter's life to find out about growing lighter while aging--noble goals.
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